Master LV

Voltage 12 Vdc 400 A 600 A 1000 A
Voltage 24 - 48 Vdc 400 A 600 A 1000 A
Voltage 72 - 96 Vdc 500 A

Master LV

Voltage 12 Vdc 150 A 400 A 600 A 1000 A
Voltage 24 - 48 Vdc 150 A 400 A 600 A 1000 A
Voltage 72 - 96 Vdc 500 A

Battery Management System

All in One Design

12 Vdc up to 96 Vdc

Safe Operation

Fully Scalable

The Master LV is the BMS for low voltage systems. The main function is protecting the connected batteries. The internal BMS collects the data and monitors all essential battery parameters. This way, the Battery Management System preserves the health of your system. The BMS will always make sure that the parameters will stay within a safe operating window. When exceeding the safe operating window, the internal safety contactor opens automatically. This will disconnect all chargers and loads.  As a result, the Master LV guarantees a safe and reliable operation. 

In addition, the Battery Management System balances the cells of the entire battery installation. This maximizes the capacity and increases the battery cell lifetime. Each MG battery has a built-in slave BMS. This monitors all individual cells in the battery module. The Master LV collects all this data, and intervenes when needed. This way it protects all batteries.

All in One design Master LV

Battery Management System

12 Vdc up to 96 Vdc

Safe Operation

Fully Scalable

The Master LV is the BMS for low voltage systems. The main function is protecting the connected batteries. The internal BMS collects the data and monitors all essential battery parameters. This way, the Battery Management System preserves the health of your system. The BMS will always make sure that the parameters will stay within a safe operating window. When exceeding the safe operating window, the internal safety contactor opens automatically. This will disconnect all chargers and loads.  As a result, the Master LV guarantees a safe and reliable operation. 

In addition, the Battery Management System balances the cells of the entire battery installation. This maximizes the capacity and increases the battery cell lifetime. Each MG battery has a built-in slave BMS. This monitors all individual cells in the battery module. The Master LV collects all this data, and intervenes when needed. This way it protects all batteries.

How to Install

How to Install

Easy Clean Installation Battery Management system

Easy Installation

The Master LV is easy to install thanks to the all in one design. It requires less cables, equipment and installation components. This results in a quick Plug and Play installation. The integrated CAN-Bus protocol automatically detects your system configuration. Moreover, it updates the firmware of all batteries.

Can-Bus Communication

With the built-in CAN-Bus connectors the Master LV communicates with the MG batteries, chargers/loads and third party devices. The two left side ports are reserved for communication with the batteries. The two right side ports are for auxiliary communication. Different CAN-Bus protocols are available in the BMS software. NMEA2000 is the most common protocol. The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.  This makes it suitable for any application.

CAN-Bus Communication
MG Connect App

MG Connect App

Monitor and control the MG Master LV with your smartphone or tablet. Easily enable bluetooth by tapping the green start button three times. Download the MG Connect app in the Play Store or App Store. The Connect App works fast and intuitive and provides direct insight into your system.

Easy Clean Installation Battery Management system

Easy Installation

The Master LV is easy to install thanks to the all in one design. It requires less cables, equipment and installation components. This results in a quick Plug and Play installation. The integrated CAN-Bus protocol automatically detects your system configuration. Moreover, it updates the firmware of all batteries.

CAN-Bus Communication

With the built-in CAN-Bus connectors the Master LV communicates with the MG batteries, chargers/loads and third party devices. The two left side ports are reserved for communication with the batteries. The two right side ports are for auxiliary communication. Different CAN-Bus protocols are available in the BMS software. NMEA2000 is the most common protocol. The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.  This makes it suitable for any application.

CAN-Bus Communication
MG Connect App

MG Connect App

Monitor and control the MG Master LV with your smartphone or tablet. Easily enable bluetooth by tapping the green start button three times. Download the MG Connect app in the Play Store or App Store. The Connect App works fast and intuitive and provides direct insight into your system.

System Redundancy

Combined Battery Banks

Another unique feature of the Master LV is the ability to create a redundant battery system. In order to achieve this, use the software and configure two or more Masters LV in “Combined mode”. Use the combined mode to create large and fully scalable storage systems. Moreover this creates redundancy of your battery bank. This ensures that the battery system will be operational at all times. In many cases it is required to design redundant battery banks. This guarantees maximum system reliability.  

For battery systems in combined mode, use the SmartLink MX. The SmartLink collects and combines the data from all the connected Battery Management Systems. It transmits the data onto the CAN-Bus and makes this data available for third party devices. Furthermore, the SmartLink MX provides the necessary controls to start, stop and reset the battery system.

Typical examples of combined battery banks are: marine propulsion systems, large solar & off-grid installations and industrial applications.

Redundant System BMS

System Redundancy

Combined Battery Banks

Another unique feature of the Master LV is the ability to create a redundant battery system. In order to achieve this, use the software and configure two or more Masters LV in “Combined mode”. Use the combined mode to create large and fully scalable storage systems. Moreover this creates redundancy of your battery bank. This ensures that the battery system will be operational at all times. In many cases it is required to design redundant battery banks. This guarantees maximum system reliability.  

For battery systems in combined mode, use the SmartLink MX. The SmartLink collects and combines the data from all the connected Battery Management Systems. It transmits the data onto the CAN-Bus and makes this data available for third party devices. Furthermore, the SmartLink MX provides the necessary controls to start, stop and reset the battery system.

Typical examples of combined battery banks are: marine propulsion systems, large solar & off-grid installations and industrial applications.

Safety & Protection

Battery Management System

The Master LV is exclusively designed for low voltage applications. Create a safe installation in the range of 12 Vdc up to 96 Vdc. The BMS measures the voltage and temperatures of the connected battery modules. Moreover, it protects the battery modules against any exceeding parameters. Furthermore the Master LV controls the balancing on both cell and module level.

Protecting, monitoring and controlling a battery system is very important to create a safe and reliable system. The MG system philosophy is to have one or more Masters LV connected to the lithium-ion battery bank. Each MG battery module contains an integrated slave BMS. This slave BMS monitors the battery cell parameters actively. It measures cell voltage, cell temperature and controls the cell balancing. All these parameters are sent to the Master LV over CAN-Bus. The Master BMS collects the data and keeps the entire installation  at the highest safety level.

Battery Management System CAN-Bus

Safety & Protection

Battery Management System

The Master LV is exclusively designed for low voltage applications. Create a safe installation in the range of 12 Vdc up to 96 Vdc. The BMS measures the voltage and temperatures of the connected battery modules. Moreover, it protects the battery modules against any exceeding parameters. Furthermore the Master LV controls the balancing on both cell and module level.

Protecting, monitoring and controlling a battery system is very important to create a safe and reliable system. The MG system philosophy is to have one or more Masters LV connected to the lithium-ion battery bank. Each MG battery module contains an integrated slave BMS. This slave BMS monitors the battery cell parameters actively. It measures cell voltage, cell temperature and controls the cell balancing. All these parameters are sent to the Master LV over CAN-Bus. The Master BMS collects the data and keeps the entire installation  at the highest safety level.

DC Distribution Battery management System

DC Distribution

The design of the Master LV includes an internal DC-busbar. Easily connect the MG batteries on the left side. The right side of the Busbar is reserved for all kinds of chargers and loads. For example, directly connect your battery charger, electric drive and inverter on the right side. The insulation caps separate the positive and negative terminal from each other. Use a MEGA-Fuse for each positive terminal.

Safety Contactor

When starting up your Master LV, the safety contactor links the left side with the right side of the busbar. During the start-up, no sparks and welding occur thanks to the built-in pre-charge circuit. When shutting down your system it disconnects the batteries from the chargers and loads. Moreover, the contactor opens in case a critical parameter exceeds the limit. This is a second layer of protection. 

Safety Contactor
Master LV IOs

I/O Connectors

The Master LV comes with two integrated I/O ports. To sum up some of the functions:

▶ Allow to charge
▶ Allow to discharge
▶  12 Vdc – 1 A Auxiliary output
▶  Programmable Relay. To start a generator, or heater.
▶ Remote Start-Stop button

Product Features

Product Features Master LV Battery Management System

Safety Contactor

In order to guarantee a safe operation of the system, a safety contactor is integrated. It can disconnect the batteries from the chargers and loads. This is a second layer of protection. The built-in pre-charge circuit prevents the safety contactor from sparks and welding.

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Fuse holders

The fuse holders in the DC distribution system ensure maximum safety of your energy storage system. They protect the cables and components against excessive currents and short-circuits. Up to eight MEGA-fuses can be placed inside the MG Master LV.

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The shunt measures the current from and to the batteries. This gives insight into the actual current when charging or discharging the connected batteries. Additionally, the shunt keeps track of the State-Of-Charge and protects the battery bank when there is an excessive charging current.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two left side ports are reserved for communication with the batteries.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two right side ports are for auxiliary communication.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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The bluetooth function makes it possible to monitor and control your battery system with your mobile phone or tablet. Use the MG Connect app to gain insight into the status of your MG battery system.

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Pre-charge circuit

Pre-charging increases the lifespan of electronic components and the reliability of the system. During the power-up procedure, the inrush current is limited to protect system components from damage.

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DC Distribution

The busbar acts as a DC distribution system. Connect the MG batteries on the left side of the Master LV. Connect your DC chargers and DC loads directly on the right side of this internal DC busbar. Examples of loads are an inverter, electric drive or electric pump.

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Start Button

Easily press the button 3 seconds to turn the Master LV ON and OFF. This can either be done on the device itself or with a remote connected button.

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Status LED

The Status LED indicates the state of the system.

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Insulation caps

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Product Features

Master LV product features

Safety Contactor

In order to guarantee a safe operation of the system, a safety contactor is integrated which can disconnect the batteries from the chargers and loads. This is a second layer of protection. The built-in pre-charge circuit prevents the safety contactor from sparks and welding.

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Fuse holders

The fuse holders in the DC distribution system ensure maximum safety of your energy storage system. They protect the cables and components against excessive currents and short-circuits. Up to eight MEGA-fuses can be placed inside the MG Master LV.

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The shunt measures the current from and to the batteries. This gives insight into the actual current when charging or discharging the connected batteries. Additionally, the shunt keeps track of the State-Of-Charge and protects the battery bank when there is an excessive charging current.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two left side ports are reserved for communication with the batteries.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two right side ports are for auxiliary communication.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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The bluetooth function makes it possible to monitor and control your battery system with your mobile phone or tablet. Use the MG Connect app to gain insight into the status of your MG battery system.

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Pre-charge circuit

Pre-charging increases the lifespan of electronic components and the reliability of the system. During the power-up procedure, the inrush current is limited to protect system components from damage.

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DC Distribution

The busbar system inside the MG Master LV acts as a DC distribution system. Connect the MG batteries on the left side of the Master LV. Connect your DC chargers and DC loads directly on the right side of this internal DC busbar. Examples of loads are an inverter, electric drive or electric pump.

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Start Button

Easily press the button 3 seconds to turn the Master LV ON and OFF. This can either be done on the device itself or with a remote connected button.

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Status LED

The Status LED indicates the state of the system.

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Insulation caps


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Product Features

Master LV product features

Safety Contactor

In order to guarantee a safe operation of the system, a safety contactor is integrated which can disconnect the batteries from the chargers and loads. This is a second layer of protection. The built-in pre-charge circuit prevents the safety contactor from sparks and welding.

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Fuse holders

The fuse holders in the DC distribution system ensure maximum safety of your energy storage system. They protect the cables and components against excessive currents and short-circuits. Up to eight MEGA-fuses can be placed inside the MG Master LV.

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The shunt measures the current from and to the batteries. This gives insight into the actual current when charging or discharging the connected batteries. Additionally, the shunt keeps track of the State-Of-Charge and protects the battery bank when there is an excessive charging current.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two left side ports are reserved for communication with the batteries.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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Can-Bus Communication

The two right side ports are for auxiliary communication.
The Master LV includes both RJ45 and M12 connectors.

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The bluetooth function makes it possible to monitor and control your battery system with your mobile phone or tablet. Use the MG Connect app to gain insight into the status of your MG battery system.

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Pre-charge circuit

Pre-charging increases the lifespan of electronic components and the reliability of the system. During the power-up procedure, the inrush current is limited to protect system components from damage.

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DC Distribution

The busbar system inside the MG Master LV acts as a DC distribution system. Connect the MG batteries on the left side of the Master LV. Connect your DC chargers and DC loads directly on the right side of this internal DC busbar. Examples of loads are an inverter, electric drive or electric pump.

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Start Button

Easily press the button 3 seconds to turn the Master LV ON and OFF. This can either be done on the device itself or with a remote connected button.

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Status LED

The Status LED indicates the state of the system.

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Insulation caps

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96 Vdc Integration

With only 4 batteries in series you can easily create a 96 Vdc system. The 96 Vdc charger is CAN-Bus controlled by the MG Master LV. Connect this charger directly to the internal DC Busbar of the MG Master LV. In addition, connect your electric drive or electric hydraulic motor to the same internal DC Busbar*. This principle also works with 72 Vdc electric drives, by installing 3 batteries in series. Add more strings in parallel to increase operating time (kWh).

* MG is compatible with various motor suppliers

96 Vdc Integration

With only 4 batteries in series you can easily create a 96 Vdc system. The 96 Vdc charger is CAN-Bus controlled by the MG Master LV. Connect this charger directly to the internal DC Busbar of the MG Master LV. In addition, connect your electric drive or electric hydraulic motor to the same internal DC Busbar. This principle also works with 72 Vdc electric drives, by installing 3 batteries in series. Add more strings in parallel to increase operating time (kWh).

* MG is compatible with various motor suppliers

System Schematics



These schematics are examples and not meant for installation purposes. The information is carefully checked and is considered to be reliable, however MG Energy Systems assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies

System Schematics




Technical Specifications

Complete Your MG System